A mailer, member database, and so much more, for digital activism.
To use text blasting and receive messages from members via SMS using Nexmo, follow these instructions
Set up a Nexmo account, and upgrade to a fully paid account.
Buy a phone number(make sure it is SMS enabled).
Configure an identity API token with permission to access the nexmo webhook endpoint by executing this code in a rails console. Copy the token for use in the next step. APIUser.create_with_permission!('nexmo_webhook', name: 'nexmo', active: true).token
Configure the phone number to make an HTTP POST request to https://{ your deployment }/nexmo/api/inbound_sms?api_token=YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE
Get your API keys from Nexmo in the main dashboard.
Set the ENV variables:
The number you bought above e.g. +447480123456
(or Settings.app.country) to your alphabetic country code, used to filter mobile numbers