starts here
ends here

Your campaign site

We’re going to build on the skills you learned in the BlackGirlTech training, and use them to make a page like the most basic sort of page we deal with in activism / campaigning tech. So let’s start with a basic html file that has some contents, and a left-hand and right-hand side.

Check it out here. Here’s a tip for you, on that page, right click the page and select “view source”. It’ll show you the html you’re working with. You can just copy and paste the html from that example to get started.


You may have noticed in this page we’ve done something just a bit beyond what was covered in the BGT tutorial: we have a left and right column! We did this by adding a style attribute to the different sections (divs) that tells the div to only take up half the screen, and to sit side by side nicely with other elements, like this: <div style="width: 50%; float: left"> ... </div>.

If we change it to style="width: 25%; float: left" we can make 4 columns that play nicely together.

It’s a good idea to give yourself some spacing in between the left and right-hand columns, so now let’s add margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5; to the style of the first div… see what happens…

You get a little margin for the left-hand-side, but the right hand side gets pushed down below. If you want your elements to line up together, the width + margin need to add up to 100% (or less), so let’s change the width of the second div to 40%.

Looking good? You should now have <div style="width: 50%; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; float: left"> and <div style="width: 40%; float: left">.

Beginning to style

You may also have noticed a pretty little border on the blockquote element. That’s because we added style="border-left: 5px solid whitesmoke; padding-left: 10px". The style attribute is quite powerful. We can do a lot with it. You can read more about HTML styles here. (looking for a better article.)

In the next section, we’ll learn about stylesheets, where you can really get serious about layout, typography, and even simple user interactions.