Learn To Code

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a campaigner. You’re probably busy but feeling grateful to have carved out some time to learn a new skill. We have put together this training to get you building interesting things ASAP and focus on the kinds of tech we use the most: building a single page, making it interactive and stylish,

  1. Getting started. Getting set and taking the blackgirls.tech html guide
  2. Build a barebones campaign page in HTML
  3. Use CSS (stylesheets) to make it look good
  4. Including assets and Bootstrap
  5. Github pages
  6. Templates
  7. Index and Thankyou page
  8. Google analytics, javascript events


{# assign lessons = site.lessons | sort: ‘order’ #} {# for lesson in lessons #}

  1. Cascading Stylesheets: Styling and layout with CSS

  2. Getting Started: A basic HTML primer, c/o Black Girl Tech

  3. Make a web page for your campaign: Make a basic web page with content in left and right columns